Helping parents help their kids.

Dr. Francheska Perepletchikova is a world-leading developer, researcher, trainer and treatment developer of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Children. 

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Meet Dr. Francheska Perepletchikova

Clinical psychologist and founder of internationally utilized DBT-C

Francheska Perepletchikova, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry, UMass Medical School. She is a world leading practitioner, researcher, trainer, and the founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Children (DBT-C). She specializes in psychological services for children with severe emotional and behavioral dysregulation, including suicidality and non-suicidal self-injury, severe verbal and physical aggression, treatment-resistant depression, social phobia, and generalized anxiety. As a faculty at the Yale University and Weill Cornell Medicine, she developed DBT-C and conducted several randomized clinical trials to empirically validate this model.

Now Dr. Perepletchikova offers training and workshops in her method for both parents and caregivers, and clinical professional who want achieve certification in DBT-C across the globe.

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Who is a Supersenser?

A supersenser is a person who was born emotionally sensitive. As everything else, emotional sensitivity is dialectical, and it presents with its own unique challenges as well as benefits. 

What is DBT-C?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Children works to help relieve behavioral dsycontrol and distress in emotionally sensitive children, or ‘supersensers‘, by working on both the relationship with the environment and the relationship with self.

What is Core Problem Analysis?

Core Problem Analysis (CPA) is a addresses and provides therapeutic strategies for improving vulnerabilities in our three core senses  – self-love, safety, and belonging.

YouTube Channel and DBT-C Webinars

View our YouTube channel and DBT-C webinars to learn about DBT-C and more.

What others are saying:
Francheska has taken the best of Maslow's humanistic approach, psychodynamic approaches of analyzing old maladaptive behaviors as well as Beck's primary and secondary appraisal and cognitive fusion, challenging, etc.
Anonymous Review 4/18/21
Content is invaluable and so greatly needed in our work, whether we work with adolescents, adults, or children. It's relevant and helpful to all. The amount of knowledge and extent of conceptualization that Francheska has accomplished is unreal. I feel honored to be able to participate in this learning experience and learn from her.
Anonymous Review 8/3/2021
This so exceeded my expectations, which were high. It is exciting new (to me) material that I think I can use immediately. It also explains why my practice is struggling with the parents of our adolescent clients. I think that we can use some of the principles from this to work more effectively with them.
Anonymous Review 8/1/2021
I shared some of the information (e.g.,human x-rays, Harry Potter reference, entering into the pain to reduce suffering in the long term vs avoiding pain and increasing suffering in the long term, being the boss of your emotions) in my adult DBT group, and they LOVED it. One client chimed in to say, "I'm going to make us all Harry Potter supersenser t-shirts!" while another joked there should be a hotline established for people who were born before DBT-C so they could receive financial compensation! They felt very validated and understood. Amazing!
Anonymous Review 8/3/2021

Featured DBT-C Events

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Research Updates

Dialectical behavior therapy for children: A pilot study of skills training groups for parents.

Journal of the Norwegian Psychologist Association
February 1, 2024

Marit Coldevin, Maia Daasvand Skyberg, Solveig M. Kirchhofer, Per Martin Løken, Synne Jenssen, and Jan Stubberud

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, parental stress, and attachment styles.

July 23, 2024

Marit Coldevin, Astrid Brænden, Pål Zeiner, Anne-Siri Øyen, Annika Melinder, and Jan E. Stubberud

Registration is open for 2025!

DBT and DBT-C workshops for parents and therapists are currently open for enrollment for 2025.